“Growing up in the Hindu culture where menstruating is seen as 'impure'…
“Thank you SO much for the Quantum’s Womb Healing sessions - honestly, they were the best healing sessions I have ever experienced - it's been a really powerful & transformative journey. I felt totally held, loved, supported and nourished. I felt so connected to my womb, my womanhood, my being, my power. The experience of connecting to my womb and then clearing the blockages that came up was incredibly powerful.
Growing up in the Hindu culture where menstruating is seen as ‘ impure ’and where you have to stay away from any spiritual blessings, pujas and events during your bleed, the sessions allowed me to shift the guilt and burden that me (and my ancestors) have carried for so long, it was so healing. Every woman should experience Quantum Womb Healing and deserves this amazing healing.”
Pretti Stanley
Marketing Director

“This healing has helped…as I slowly enter my peri-menopausal years…
“I was held in the most beautiful way by Debs, who has such a grounding, wise and nourishing presence. I was guided to connect to my womb in a beautiful and honouring way, through visualisation and sound, after setting my own intentions for the process. The visualisations took me somewhere in the past as well as in the future and in the present too! - and I was able to access some really beautiful images and messages from my womb.
This healing journey has helped to mark the beginning of a new phase of my womanhood, as I slowly enter my peri-menopausal years and I am so grateful to Debs for holding space for me.
I would highly recommend Debs and her work. Whether you are looking to find new ways to connect to yourself, to your womb, or to mark a rite of passage or bring in some healing…Debs is wonderful, authentic and fun! ”
Marinella Benelli
Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic & Abdominal Massage Therapist, Postpartum Doula

“…life-changing healing magic - some of the most powerful healings I've had...
Creating a beautiful sacred container, Debs guides you into your inner ceremonial womb landscape for a journey of life-changing healing magic - some of the most powerful healings I've had.
By taking this pilgrimage into the deepest dimensions of the womb portals, you discover secret keys your womb has been waiting to share with you. I received so much incredible information.
Debs is a natural womb healer, holding both a deeply rooted and compassionate energy, along with the spirit power of the cosmic mother. Afterwards I felt bathed in the divine feminine essence and as if I had been totally realigned.”
Seren Bertrand
Storyteller and Spirit Keeper
Award-winning Author of Womb Awakening & Magdalene Mysteries

“I lost my womb many years ago…
I lost my womb many years ago, during an emergency operation. I just thought they would remove my growth - a huge fibroid that weighed 8.5kg! I woke up from my operation to find out that while under anaesthetic, the surgeon, without my consent had decided to give me a full hysterectomy - I was horrified. Life didn't seem like it was worth living as all I wanted to be was a mother. I hated my womb space and disconnected from it.
Years later I went on to become a mother, to 2 beautiful wild and feral daughters born via surrogacy. It was then that I started to learn about womb healing and came across Deborah's work. I felt pulled towards working with her in order to reconnect with my womb space - she understood. During our sessions I felt incredibly held and understood, and most of all I felt whole. The ceremonies were online, yet it felt like Debs was sat in the room with me. I cried, she held me and we journeyed together.
It was magical - I stepped into my womb space and made peace with my womb...I connected with her, and her with me. Since working with Debs I've been out of pain, I'm still working on gaining connection with my womb yet I no longer feel bitter towards it. I've been able to forgive my womb and myself, and release the guilt and shame I have carried for so long. This was an old pain, which started long before I entered this world. My womb journey with Debs will continue - she is magical, dear and so wise.”
Sajida Malik - Mother of 2 Daughters

“…so many golden nuggets of wisdom, clarity, insight and healing...
What deliciously nourishing sessions. These womb healing ceremonies, held so beautifully, truly helped me restore a connection with myself. I entered into an embodied dreamscape that offered so many golden nuggets of wisdom, clarity, insight and healing. The illuminating effects are still rippling...”
Cassandra Rosa
Birth Doula, Naturopath, Hedgerow Witch

“I always feel safe and nurtured when I work with (Debs)...
“Debs has such an amazing capacity to hold space for the Sacred Feminine. I always feel safe and nurtured when I work with her.
She brings a magic, earthiness and connectedness the is deeply healing to be around.
I highly recommend working with her if you can.”
Saskia Fraser
Artist & Raw Food Coach

“I felt like I'd come home...
“Debs has a unique way of blending ceremony and healing with a deep connection to the earth, nature and the seasons. It’s both energising and deeply relaxing.
I love her guided visualisations and deep reverence for Mother Earth and the sacred feminine.
Her blend of wisdom, spirituality and wild, courageous spirit is quite unique. I felt like I'd come home”
Alison Jenkins
Landscape Gardener

"As a ‘Mistress of the Yoni’ - Debs is the real deal!
Maggie Gudmundsson - Spiritual Healer and Medium

“Regenerative on the cellular level, a quantum healing transformation…
“I felt held even before the session began. Debs is an amazing Womb Shaman, taking you in a beautiful and powerful womb journey through the gates of your womb and body as the outdated imprints and connections transmute.
I was held in a primordial womb field by her powerful alchemical medicine. Regenerative on the cellular level, a quantum healing transformation - felt deeply in the body and the psyche.”
Nicole Katzender
Alkemical Embodiment Mentor

“Such a powerful reconnection to my womb…
What a truly wonderfully profound experience! Such a powerful reconnection to my womb, spirit and the moon and sun energy within me, a true inner cleansing of ancient wounds that were blocking my energy flow and connection.
I felt so beautifully held and safe which enabled me to fully relax and experience deep healing, I would recommend a womb healing from Debs to all women! I’ll be telling them all!!
Kate McCaig
Un-schooler & Holder of Women’s Circles

“It was the first time I felt witnessed since my womb trauma…
I journeyed through the ceremony today and I did the yoni steaming ritual. It was the most beautiful journey to be guided upon. Thank you so much. It was the first time I felt witnessed since my womb trauma. I felt understood and held. Just to receive that healing was very much needed, it was time, thank you so much.
I am just so looking forward to journeying through the rest of the ceremonies and all the online materials...
Olivia Hempstead
Women's Space Holder, Reiki Healer, Yoga Teacher

“I feel more grounded in my power…
Debs is a powerful healer. She holds space in a way that feels very safe and within that holding was able to take me to a deep place of connection and healing with my womb. It was very powerful. I was surprised at how deeply I entered into the ‘lunar field’.
I have already noticed a higher level of tolerance in myself since our session and I have been feeling a lot less volatile.
I feel more grounded in my power and look forward to more physical benefits of having removed the pelvic trauma that I had carried for so long!
Lavinia Brown
Psychodynamic Parenting Coach

“ To come home to my grief and my love…
Working with Debs was a gift and a blessing, one that I won't forget. The space was held so sacredly that I could really truly surrender into the wisdom of my womb. It felt like a definite edge for me, yet I could go there, I could find my edge and soften - because I knew I was safe.
What a wonderful dive into the depth of some profound and forgotten womb grief. To re-remember. To come home to my grief and my love.
Deborah's medicine is needed, her wisdom from lived experience must be known and integrated. This is one way I feel the earth will heal. I give my thanks to you Deborah, my ancestors as well. Thank you for witnessing me - being witnessed by you was a key part of my healing.
Emma Mae
Spirit Medicine Woman

“…for the first time since my daughter was born I felt a direct experience of her presence...
I am so grateful to you and your work - Tulip was born eleven years ago after my waters broke spontaneously at around 22 weeks. She was born a week later and lived for an hour before she passed on.
Afterwards I was numb, in shock, living with trauma and unable to grieve. I couldn't remember a lot of her birth and the time afterwards and felt a very heavy absence in my womb, which only changed after the womb healing.
I really feel the healing you guided me through left me fully connected to my womb space and I was very aware of this space afterwards. I received so many messages
“After leaving a toxic relationship…
“After leaving a toxic relationship of 25 years I had experienced heavy periods and felt quite numb and disconnected from my womb.
The Quantum Womb Healing sessions have cleared away the blocks and dense energy, and my cycles have been much lighter. I also feel like that communication channel between my womb (generating intuition & creativity) & heart, & head is much cleaner & clearer...
Thank you - what an alchemical wild moorland goddess you are!”
Rebecca - Midwife & Cranio Sacral Therapist

“My sessions helped to transmute lingering heartbreak…
Debs is a beautiful healer and immensely powerful in holding sacred space. Honestly I’ve been putting in the work to making my life change for months with little sense of a return and I feel this work with
Debs has unlocked the door into being able to access the benefits of it. Amazing. During the session I identified, carried and burnt through my deep rooted fear ideologies to access a sense of lightness I haven’t felt in a long time.
My sessions helped to transmute lingering heartbreak and subsequent blockages into radiant, embodied light.
I feel like I can return to feeling love, especially within and for myself, without fear guilt or shame. Thank you.”
Embroidery Designer-Maker

“The deep earthy wisdom that Debs embodies…
I have worked with Debs for nearly 20 years, and experience her as powerful healer and Wisdom Keeper of the “Wild Feminine Soul”.
During my sessions I was transported back to my ancestors and into the stars on the most profoundly beautiful and healing journey.
The deep earthy wisdom that Debs embodies, combined with the integrity and purity with which she holds space - allows for deep soul healing.
I believe every woman should gift herself with this transformative journey and connection to her womb and soul.”
Beshlie McKelvie
Textiles Artist - Empowering Women, Indigenous Arts

“I feel I'm returning to my core essence…
Debs held and nurtured the healing space we were working in so lovingly - I was able to allow and fully embrace such a powerful inward shift.
Between the sessions, I had a strong desire to have a major declutter in my home, like an external manifestation that naturally followed the internal letting go of old baggage. As I gave away bags of things I've accumulated but hardly every used, I was so conscious of how much lighter I was feeling. And with letting go comes space, which previously felt like a scary void to be avoided.
But now I feel joyous about this transition. I feel I'm returning to my core essence and clearing the way for the universe to fill my life with beautiful new opportunities that I'll finally be able to receive and honour. What a gift!
Sam Bitmead
“I knew….future generations would not suffer as I had...
As I am now in my 70th year, I did not have any idea how healing for my womb would benefit me. So, coming with no expectations I was surprised to find, while completing the questionnaire beforehand that I really did have ‘unresolved issues’ from decades before.
Having prepared my sacred space, I connected with Debs in hers and felt immediately very comfortable. The session was both gentle and powerful and I felt very held and supported by Debs as she guided me through the visualisations.
I rested within the healing cocoon and emerged at the end, like a butterfly, feeling free from the past. The burden I had carried had lifted and I felt lighter.
I knew then that this was another step towards releasing trauma within women, and that my ancestors had been healed as well as myself and that my daughters, granddaughter and future generations would not suffer as I had."
Linda Joy
Gong Sound Healer

“You are the embodiment of the goddess...
“You are the embodiment of the goddess, Divine Feminine energy and all things fun and creative.
If there was ever a temple where women could go, you would be the high priestess looking after all of us.
Your love for life shines through and I feel blessed to know you.”
Debbie Ashford
Kundalini Yoga Teacher

“I can be that mother to myself and to my daughter…
You truly are the most powerful transmitter. You channel the most incredible warm, wise, resplendent energy, soft yet strong at the same time.
When walking the labyrinth I had this sudden feeling that I didn’t need my birth mother to be the fantasy mother I yearned for, that I could find her in the collective energy and wisdom of all the earth’s women, past and present, and most importantly in myself. I can be that mother to myself and to my daughter. So liberating I can’t tell you.
The work you do is so important and is of huge value (including financial value - imagine how much people will spend in psychotherapy to get to where I got on that labyrinth!).
Alison Jenkins
Landscape gardener

“…allowing us to feel held, inspired and deeply nourished
Debs is the essence of feminine, abundant gorgeousness!
What an exquisite, inviting, creative, cosy sanctuary she creates.
Debs creates and holds space with depth, grace, wisdom, generosity and compassion, allowing us to feel held, inspired and deeply nourished - like we have come home to ourselves.”
Roma Norris
Hand in Hand Parenting Consultant